Performance Management Architect®

The Performance Management Architect® is research-based, experience-tested content designed to improve what people accomplish and how they get the job done. 

Managers use 10 Universal Performance Dimensions – the foundation of the Performance Management Architect® – to evaluate the performance of virtually anyone, at any level, in any job, or any unit.

Attend this session to: 

  • Learn about the instrument and how it helps you link performance dimensions to goals in order to direct the focus on important behaviors and outcomes
  • Use the instrument in feedback and coaching: the behaviorally anchored rating scales (BARS) associated with the 10 Performance Dimensions use specific statements that can communicate how work is being done and how it should be done
  • Improve the review process: performance dimensions that are linked to performance goals, behaviorally anchored rating scales (BARS) significantly improve the objectivity of evaluations
  • Lead employees to improvement opportunities; each of the 10 Universal Performance Dimensions comes with development tips to improve performance